1930-55 1956 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962-7 1967 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976-96 1980 1995 1997 1998-2004 2005 2011

1930: Born in France, studied at Oxford & Heidelberg; 1954: Army in Vietnam.

Shows in New York City. Drove to Mexico.

Valle de Bravo, Mexico, with visits to Houston to sell paintings.

France. Various exhibits in Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam.

Show in New York City and Martinique via schooner

Colombia to Argentina in a VW minivan. Shows in Bogota, Quito, Guayaquil, Lima & Buenos Aires.

Jamaica, commissioned to paint a mural.

Greece & Turkey

Mexico & Guatemala

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily, Corfu, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan by car

Kathmandu, Annapurna, Everest

India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali

Australia, New Zealand, Timor, Bali, Madras, by bicycle to Cape Comorin and Goa. On to Calcutta and back to Everest.


Established a home base in New York State.

Shows under the auspices of the Merchant & Ivory Foundation in The Red Mills (Claverack, New York) and Grand Central Station, New York City.

Filmed La Chanson de Roland, an epic animated film using corks and toothpicks

Was the hands of Picasso in the Merchant & Ivory Film, Surviving Picasso.

Travelled to Argentina, published Cuerpos Pintados (Painted Bodies), helped to establish Integrarte - a program that seeks to integrate people from all walks of life through art made from trash.

Integrarte workshops in Argentina, Chile, New York, France.

Integrarte workshops in Chile and France.

Book: Un Cycle