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Catalog Number: JAMAICAN PORTRAITS-66 Rice paper 18x24 March 27 82
TONY was, is, very special a hard luck kid from birth:
his mother had "a black cloud over her head - behind her a guilty past - in front of her a dark futur" as she told herself. She jumped to her death in the sea. His sister Pearl has fits of madness and bites people
His uncle is the madhatter of the village. Gwen tried to help him and he became over the years, my shadow, my muscle, my eyes and altogather a great help when the spirit called and when the police was not after him .
We protected him, hid him and tried to guide him in less precarious ways of living that selling peanuts at school gates and gambling for the same peanuts. Of no avail.. However, he is good hearted, takes care, as much as he can, of his brothers and sister, none too bright either and he survives in the lane, in a hovel he didnot improve much since he inherited it

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